April Golf Report

When you think of golf in April, the Masters Tournament surely comes to mind. And if you follow the Masters Tournament, then the 12th hole at Bangkok’s new Dream Arena course will look familiar to you. In fact, the entire back 9 of Dream Arena would seem familiar to you. I’m quite familiar with the back 9 at Augusta National Golf Club, and therefore I played this replica 9 with a lot of confidence.

And that is how I came to be walking up the 18th hole with a one-up lead that I would retain to bring my record in this, another undefeated month, to two victories, no losses, and two draws. I am quite proud of the two draws. In each of those matches I was one-down standing on the 18th tee and in each match I played the 18th with aplomb to even the match.

I have to give some credit for my astonishing record to Srixon and the Z-STAR. I have been playing various Srixon balls over the past few years but since I started using the Z-STAR for every match last fall, I have run off a streak of 9 wins, no losses, and 3 draws, each of the draws coming with a win on the final hole. I’ve made an eagle and two birdies in a four hole stretch to pull away for a tournament victory at Boracay, been compared to Manny Pacquiao, and am undefeated now for more than five months. 

Last night I went to celebrate another undefeated month with friends at Bangkok. Bangkok, you ask, or was it Tokyo? Bangkok is quite a multicultural city and I found myself at this izakaya in the center of town for a quadracious evening. I don’t know how long I can sustain this undefeated streak. A number of friends are looking forward to our upcoming matches. Stay tuned for the May golf report coming up a month from now in which you will find out how I have fared and how my superb Srixon Z-STAR balls performed.

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