Of Sunsets, Beaches, and Botanical Walks

I’ve been writing this month, and doing a lot of data analysis, and I’ve also been botanizing. At Ishigaki, Okinawa, and Taketomi Islands, I’ve been walking along the beaches to see what grasses are growing. Being on islands, these are naturally quite scenic walks, and at the end of the day I often see a beautiful sunset.

Last week I walked out from my apartment, heading west for 5 km along the coast of Ishigaki’s Nagura Bay.

I saw a number of different grasses, with two species thriving in tidal swamps, one species growing in dry areas near the ocean, and one species growing in dry areas a bit removed from the ocean. Here is a narrated video that shows what I found on this walk:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1TdPO8LCdk?rel=0]

With that ocean right in front of me, and this view of the sunset from just in front of my apartment, it can be tempting to do more botanizing than writing. 


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