A February Miscellany

Without any golf reports to report, or unsolicited advice to dispense, this will instead be a miscellany.


Where to begin? Perhaps sunrise, day, and night views of Niagara Falls would be good.


That was just before sunrise.


That was a sunny afternoon.


And this was on a clear night.

I was in Niagara Falls to speak at the Ontario Golf Course Management Conference. And at this conference, more than most, I met with many friends and made new ones. Two factors contributed to this fine result. First, the conference had a large attendance, hundreds of people. Second, we all spoke English quite well. So there was all kinds of conversation for a few days. Great fun.


But all the fine weather and fun wouldn’t last. Snow came, and a blizzard came, and it was time to cross the border.

There was more adventure ahead. How’s this for a tropical tipple? It’s a tamarind margarita.


Eventually I made it back to Thailand, cured of all colds, jettisoned of all jet lag.

And just in time, for I was the guest on this episode of Frankly Speaking.

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After that it’s been intensive work and study, with short breaks for some of my favorite foods and a few escapades in the February sunshine.

Driving home as the sun comes up

ba mee moo daeng


coconut ice cream

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