The Narrow Road to the Slightly North
I took a long train ride across 6 degrees of latitude. Bangkok is about 13 degrees north, so I’ll call this a narrow road to the slightly north.

When I got to Bangkok, I went straight to the snack aisle. Unfortunately, there haven’t been any more Chef’s Signature flavors. I’ve checked a number of convenience stores and grocery stores, and the only flavor that looked new to me on this trip was the sausage cheese bites. It was alright. The taste of course was rather predictable, which is not always what I’m looking for in a convenience store potato chip flavor.

I can’t be too disappointed, however. The highs of December and January, with that abundance of new flavors, some of which I can’t even pronounce to this day, will have to suffice until the next round of exotic flavors are released.

I returned by that same narrow road to the South, with an afternoon stopover at the beautiful Banyan GC in Hua Hin. Their Mulligan’s Pub overlooking half the course and across the valley to the west is my favorite 19th hole in Thailand.